Sunday, October 26, 2014

Dorian (Synopsis)

For our group project, Victor Mwangi and Kaitlyn Manktelow are planning on interviewing Dorian McGowan.

 Dorian McGowan is a former professor at Lyndon State College and an amazing artist. During this interview they hope to gain more insight onto the incredible life that Dorian has lived so far from conversing with Norman Rockwell to sketching amazingly accurate portraits on a daily basis.

They plan on going to his house and taking pictures of his gallery and his art work. While at his gallery they will be using a digital voice recorder to record his story and a digital camera to document his work.
The intended audience for the project is student and faculty at Lyndon State College as well as those living in the Caledonia area. Dorian McGowan is a well-known name around the surrounding area, learning more about him will provide great interest to many people. The fact that he has done so much in his life and accomplished a great deal many of things is what makes this such an interesting story. To hear the story behind his art work and to know more about his accomplishments, his greatest moments, his lowest and what makes his art so dramatic and emotional to look at.

The crew members of this project are:
Kaitlyn Manktelow
Victor Mwangi

Both crew members plan on interviewing Dorian and taking pictures of his gallery, his work and the artist himself. Then both crew members will participate in creating the audio slideshow containing the interview as a voice over and the pictures taken during the interview

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